Please Don't Become Anythin, Especially Not A Programmer - Learn Code The Hard Way
"Finally, I'd like to tell you that the best way to get good at something is to not attach your identity to the activity. I do say I am a programmer, but really I mean I'm a person who writes code (and does a bunch of other stuff). The skill of coding is not who I am, it's just one of the many things that makes me the complex interesting person I am. Who am I? I don't know, or I at least can't describe it in words.
If you do that, and learn to code for your own reasons, then you'll be just fine and get out of it what you put into it. If you attach your identity to being a programmer, then changes like "everyone can code" will lead to resentment because you are no longer unique."
Thu May 17 18:08:53 2012 - permalink -